The Passion of the Christ - User Reviews

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The Passion of the Christ Movie Poster

4.73 / 5

User rating: 4.73

Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews

  • User rating: 4.73 92.62%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.59%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.13%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.29%
  • User rating: 4.73 6.37%

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User review rating: 0 March 21, 2004

At first I didn`t really want to see the film because of all the hype however after viewing this film, I am glad that I went. At the end I was speechless. This film is truly a masterpiece and I commend Mel Gibson and also like to say that the performances by Jim Cavizel (Jesus) and Maia Morgenstern (Mary), are Oscar-worthy.

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

May God Bless you Mel Gibson for having the insight, the desire and the passion to make this movie about the final 12 hours of life of our Lord Jesus. Before it was just a story, and although I believed in Jesus, this really brought to home just how much He suffered for us, so that we could live with some freedom. This is truth people and for those of you who have never believed in anything, Jesus is the Way, The Truth, and The Light ... what an honour to watch a film so closely portraying what actually happened many thousands of years ago. He is the only person who has risen from the grave ... remember that people. Billions and billions

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

To tell the truth I thought that the movie was just a portrayal of Jesus` suffering, which is obviously what it was meant to be. If you`re a devout believer then this is the movie for you but if you want to learn more about the life of one of the most influential men in history then i suggest renting Jesus of Nazareth and those types of movies which have more plot to them.

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

I think that this movie was awesome . This was the best that I have ever seen in a show . If people can`t get a message from looking at this movie there is something wrong with them.

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

If you`re a believer, the movie will strengthen your faith. If you`re not, you`d wonder how any man could take the "punishment" Jesus did. It went on throughout the entire movie. It gives new meaning to the term "the flesh is weak". The "graphics" are surreal. I think I`ll envision what "Jesus" looked like in this movie whenever I need to overcome something I feel is difficult.

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

it was a comedy for me. hollywood getting a hold of such a classic story . too predictable for the violence was exaggerated and the whole movie to create $$$$$$$$$$$$$. nice work mel. when is jesus going to be in a lethal weapon?

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

Good movie! I went to see it twice!

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

Lord.. Please forgive us..

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

Awesome film. Anyone who thinks it`s an exaggeration , hasn`t read The Book. Mel Gibson did his homework and didn`t sugar coat anything . Remember , he basically did the same thing with Braveheart. What`s next Mel , the resurrection ?

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

A beautiful, yet graphic movie, of my Lord Jesus Christ. I just pray that this movie reaches out to others in the way it was meant to be received. As a cry out to the world that all is not lost. You still have time to give your life to God! Our time on this earth is short, so why not give it to Him, and all will be well. You have no idea what this movie will do to you, & how it will affect your life. I recommend you see this movie, and let it stir your heart and soul. God Bless you people.

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

This was a amazing well filmed movie. I will HAVE TO go see it again very soon.

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

It was an amazingly awesome movie

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

Mel should have played the part the Lord - it would then be clear how he has once again gone to his stock in trade: the outcast hero that takes a terrible beating at the hands of ruthless men but conquers in the end. The Lord made an infinite atonement for all mankind. Romans of any number could not inflict an infinite anything. In the Garden of Gesthemane, our Lord received a cup which caused Him, the greatest of all, to sweat great drops of blood. This was the atonement. His suffering to the cross and on the cross compared to the atonement was a period at the end of a sentence of infinite length. This movie is more of Mel`s usual dark messa

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2004

The images of the movie are the best but it doesn`t have the story. If we don`t know about Jesus` life, we wouldn`t understand and feel anything..............

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

Well made! Didn`t have to be so overly-gory though!

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

This movie was so moving, and so beautiful. Although some may argue that it is too gory, I believe it was necessary to use that much heartbreak and suffering in the film. If they hadn`t showed Jesus` suffering the way they had, the movie wouldn`t have had such an impact on its` viewers. This movie made me think about how Jesus didn`t have to go through all that suffering, but he did...for us. This movie made me want to be a better person, and I praise Mel Gibson for it.

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

there is no god... how shocking.

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

I thought it was an accurate, suitable version of a well known story. I did not feel the violence depicted was too much - those were harsh times and a violent event. Not really "entertaining" more of an experience. Mel Gibson provides us with a "class act" once again.

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

Yes people believe that this did happen, I`m not one to say if it did or didn`t, however I believe that real or not, the graphic nature of what happened (Or didn`t happen) should not have been precieved through a movie for the world to see. Sometimes there are some things that people shouldn`t see. It does make you appriciate life, but there is definately an easier, less hurtful way to do so.

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

This was an excellent portrayal of the final hours of Christ`s suffering. Yes, it was difficult to watch - that was the point. We were meant to suffer while watching. I am thankful that Mel Gibson made this film, which does not blame the Jews for Jesus` crucifixion, but blames us all - He died for the sins of all of us. I give this film five stars.

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

I`ve never liked Mel Gibson or his work. After seeing this movie, I STILL don`t like him or his work.

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

Dis movie was by far the BEST movie ever made.....very touching, historically accurate and 4 those ppl who say it was very gory watch Kill Bill Vol. 2 and u`ll c wats GORY dats all I got 2 say. I think God used Mel, and praised b the Lord!!!!

User review rating: 0 March 19, 2004

I liked the first. But then came the scene where he was beaten. It didn`t have to last that long. I was mad, I couldn`t take it anymore. If it were to have lasted one more minute it would of made me leave.

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004

They could have made their point in a 10 minute bio pic.

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004

Not an enjoyable movie. Mel Gibson`s career is going to plummet. Too Gory for my taste.

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004

mel!! we`re an amazing man!! i`m 15 and I didn`t really like it but personaly I don`t think you should like it it touched me and really made me think long and hard about life. anything and everything I`ve ever done wrong flashed thought my head during this movie. I`ve never really cryed during a movie but I cryed like a baby in this one. thank you Mal you have changed my life for the better and NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE TELLS YOU, THE WORLD NEEDED THIS AND YOU ARE A SAINT FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR THE PEOPLE!!! many people(ME) look up to you for what you have done

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004

Best Movie Ever. I mean it. It was totally accurate and portrayed everything like it really was. Now when we have communion, we can actually vision the death, the pain, and passion of Jesus Christ.

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004


User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004

Praise the Lord!!! This movie was at times very difficult to watch...but it`s message was accurate & true! We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God...but through Christ we are made whole! He was born to die and suffered much for our transgressions! I applaud Mel Gibson for his obedience and his "Passion" in making this movie. Mel accepted the task that I believe was Divinely ordained in making this movie! May the Lord continue to bless & use you for His purpose!

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004

I was very moved to say the least...I THINK THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES I HAVE EVER SEEN! It was, in my view a very religious movie. It did what it was supposed to do, remind us ALL of the power of Love, sacrifice and faith. I think that I will be purchasing this movie when it comes out on DVD. It ranks up there to be stored with timeless classice. MOST definelty, AN OSCAR movie...a must see for ALL. JUST remember, it will leave you speachless in the end! SUPERB ACTING. A standing ovation for MEL GIBSON....

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004

I`m not "brainwash", I don`t even go to church and I loved this movie. It`s very touching. Made me search my soul. Watching this, you understand the pain of the world, not only of Jesus. Great film Mel, I`ll be waiting for the RESURECTION.....

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2004

Amazing! My friends and I will go see it again on GOOD FRIDAY.

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

Fantastic!!!! Good for Mel for making such a moving and passionate movie, he put his heart and soul in this movie and I for one am so thankful that a movie has been put out about something so close to many peoples hearts. I learned a lot from watching this movie, it will stay with me for a long time.

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

It was the most moving and riveting movie I have ever seen.

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

Nothing more than a gory over exaggerated documentary.

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

Good movie, excessive display of unnecessary graphic violence. Althoug with such a great message to convey, you cannot go wrong. Mr. Gibson has used the greatest story to make himself a great deal of $$$$$$$$

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

of all the things to make a movie out of this was an important one. mel really showed what christ went through for everyone. To finally have a real life depiction of the passions, without everything cut out. really moving even if your not religious.

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

I think it was a personal movie, one which had a different impact on every individual. It was graphic, yes, but also very don`t ever hear about how much Jesus suffered, so I think it opened the eyes of all of its viewers. It was a difficult movie to watch too, and there wasnt much to say after it was over...just alot of thinking. Good Job Mr. Gibson

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

Hair-rising movie. "God moves in a mysterious way......"

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

i guess people do not know that it was St. Catherne Emerich`s book that inspired Mel Gibson to make the movie. believe what u want, this movie was as accurate as they come! the book is called "The Dolorous Passion Of Our Lod Jesus Christ", and it is about the visions God and Jesus gave her. she saw everytihng, including JESUS` DEATH IN HIS LAST 12 HOURS in full depth and detail. and his book describes the setting, who was around, and how Jesus acted in FULL DETAIL. so please, stop thinking u know it all, bcuz i think mel Gibson knew EXACTLY what he was doing. By the way, thumbs up to Gibson bcuz the filn was an excelent portrayal of the book.

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2004

Very moving. Good to see that this film caused most people to think(hats off to Mel). Some of the comments are scary (what lurks in your heart?). Truth and accuracy aside, this story forces one to look inwards. A must see for ALL people.

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004

Devestating to see our Jesus suffer so, compassionate, forgiving, thought provoking. A definite masterpiece.

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004

AMAZING!!!...this movie truly touched actually hurt me to see how they hurt Jesus...i couldnt take it i was crying during lots of parts of the movie...This has been one of the best movies taht there will ever be...God Bless Mel Gibson for makin such a wonerful film...that will hopefully motivate many people in a good way..jus like it has motivated was truly an AMAZING movie!

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004

Excellent, all around. 4.5 for me. i didnt like it because it was to my beliefs, in fact it wasnt, it was just a good movie. it showed meaning, depth, and emotion.its made me show alot more respect for mel gibson

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004

I saw it two weeks ago and it was one of the most amazing films that i`ve seen this year. I really felt Jesus pain through out the movie. Jim Caviezal is the exact image of what i think jesus looked like. Sometimes you can`t even tell it`s Jim, you just see Jesus.

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004

Since when is the torture of a man for more than two hours called a movie? Hey I can`t wait to see `Saddam`s Passion` the uncut version! The people who praise this movie are without a doubt BRAINWASHED! Religion is an absolute crock. Please avoid this excuse for a movie AT ALL COST.

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004

i am going to watch it in like 10 min. i never watched it but based on the rating(5 *stars*) and comments i think it is going to be great. peace out to all my friends yo this is daniel

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004

it`s a wake up call to everbody. For those who gave this movie bad reviews are either trying to hide something or they are in denial. But this is one of the best movies I have seen. The cinematography was well done, the music added depth and emotion, the acting was very well done, the story was well pieced together. I look at Mel Gibson in a different way now. lots of respect

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004


User review rating: 0 March 16, 2004

God bless mel gibson........amazing...100 thumbs up ..... 10,000 stars it really touched me and i feel like to love more!!!God bless to those who saw the movie!!!!!!

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