The Passion of the Christ - User Reviews

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The Passion of the Christ Movie Poster

4.73 / 5

User rating: 4.73

Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews

  • User rating: 4.73 92.62%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.59%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.13%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.29%
  • User rating: 4.73 6.37%

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User review rating: 0 April 11, 2004

Finally, I never have to read the Bible.

User review rating: 0 April 11, 2004

Whats with this "praise the lord" ****? This has to be the dumbest movie ever....shouldn`t have been made. Meh movie is just as fake as the story that it was made from.

User review rating: 0 April 11, 2004

I was really impressed by all of the talent in this movie. I have always been a fan of Mel Gibson but now I see him as not only a great actor but an incredible artist. I love the techniques he used to reveal the message of temptation and even more powerful, the force of love that gave Jesus the strength to follow his path as it was meant to be. I wish people would take the time to look beyond the violence that went on in this movie and notice all of the great subtle messages that were portrayed and that are can easily be applied in our everyday life. There is much more to this movie than just suffering. Love does conquer all!

User review rating: 0 April 11, 2004

This movie is one of the very very best movie which shows Jesus`s love for us. His love made him to go to Calvary for our sins, and without his sacrifice for us, we would not have been living. Actually we should have been nailed to the cross for our sins. Jesus took the burden on Himself, and died for us. Thank you Jesus for the salvation you have given us.Jesus is Love. Jesus Lives for ever more.

User review rating: 0 April 10, 2004

Long before the film, I loved Jesus Christ with my heart, soul and mind. After seeing the film, I was able to imagine the incredible suffering that Christ went through to save each of us. The bible sugar-coats the brutality of the event in a lot of ways. It was Mel Gibson`s passion that brought the Christ`s passion to life. I can only hope that through this film, people will be more open to the fact that He lived, and died for us, and will be more willing to open up their hearts to Jesus Christ, because it is the most rewarding experience one could ever imagine.

User review rating: 0 April 10, 2004

i don`t go to theaters very much at all matter of factthe last movie i went to was my fat greek wedding. i believe mel gibson has shown the world if u believe in something very passionately the results will be out of this world especially when he showing the WORD OF GOD in action plus it is a tribute to our SAVIOUR.

User review rating: 0 April 10, 2004

Passionate and powerful, best movie I have ever seen. I hope it wins many Academy Awards.

User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004

Good movie I did not notice that it was not in English.

User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004

This was a fantastic film. It was a gret opportunity to see it today, being Good Friday and although this was my second time watching the film, it still had a tremondous affect as it did the first time. I still cried and there were scenes that really hit the heart. If you have a chance to see it during this Easter Weekend, I really suggest that you go and see it because it really will allow you to appreciate what Jesus endorsed for our sins. I appreciate life more after watching this movie and I hope you do too. Happy Easter to all!

User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004

The Passion of the Christ was such an amazing movie. Despite the fact that I could not stop crying during and after the film, it touched me so deeply. After watching the Passion of Christ, I decided to turn my life around. Through Jesus, it taught me not to be so bitter and so negative. Before I saw this movie, I used to focus on all the bad things in my life and was miserable and bitter. Now, I am happier because I appreciate all the wonderful things in my life (a beautiful home, a wonderful husband, a good job, a great close-knit family and friends who adore me). I thank Mel Gibson for having the balls to make a film with such impact.

User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004

Very good movie

User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004

The BESTEST movie ever!! Thank You God for showing me how much You love me by going through all those unimaginable sufferings. I was moved to tears when realizing how our sins caused Him to be torutured, and yet a lot of people still refuse to go back to Him. I love You, Jesus. Let us all accept God`s love and follow Him. Do not let adversities block our Faith because our rewards will be great in Heaven.

User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004


User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004

Incredible and life changing. This movie touched me to the heart. It was awful to see the pain that Jesus endured for us, however seeing what He went through has helped me to form a better relationship with Him. I felt such love for Christ while watching this film! Thank you Mel Gibson for giving us this amazing tool to help us in our journey of faith.

User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004

wow that movie was so good

User review rating: 0 April 09, 2004

I can`t even begin to express how I feel. This movie should be seen by all, not only by Christian`s. I wonder if it was done for a reason: for us to see and refresh our memory of why Jesus went through all that he did for us. We take everything for granted and maybe this is an eye opener. To go through all he did to save us makes me wonder if it was all worth it. I mean do me us a Christian`s dhouldn`t we be more dedicated to God not only by going to Church, God knows that we can pray at home but to watch this movie to makes you realise that Jesus sacrificed his life fo US! Mel I don`t know what made you do this movie but whatever it was it b

User review rating: 0 April 08, 2004

It was an honest representation of the four Gospels. It was very moving to me as a Christian. I applaud Mel Gibson for this work.

User review rating: 0 April 08, 2004

Breathtaking. Too Much but would not miss it. You don`t watch it you experience it. What he went through was vividly portrayed and was beyond words to describe. Mel should get something for filming such a spectacular film. I heard the man protraying Christ was actually strike by lightning while up on the cross. Now if that is not a sign I don`t know what is.

User review rating: 0 April 08, 2004

Phenomenal. I believe this movie was truly annointed. Everyone has their own personal experience which I think is a miracle in itself. Josie.

User review rating: 0 April 07, 2004

Must See God`s suffering in human history

User review rating: 0 April 07, 2004

It was superior. Hopefully this film will awaken many to the true meaning af Gods grace and how important is the forgiveness for their sins, the price Jesus (God`s Son) paid, and the importance of joining the Family of God!!! Look for an ALPHA course in YOUR town, and attend!!!

User review rating: 0 April 06, 2004

this movie is sooooo sad but anyways is soo cool it made me cry a lot and it really show how Jesus lived and died for us

User review rating: 0 April 06, 2004

This movie depicted Chrit`s suffering and death in a more realistic and historically truthful way than most christians have been taught. The scourging torture is very brutal. Most christians just think Jesus was whipped with a lash a few times. This they think, resulted in a few red welrs as depicted in paintings and pictures. Bravo. This depicts reality.

User review rating: 0 April 06, 2004

The best and most important movie I have ever seen!

User review rating: 0 April 05, 2004

it was so cool i loved it you should go see it . this movie is the beast:)

User review rating: 0 April 05, 2004

I love it.I have seen it 3 times so far.The movie is biblical artestic and piece of art.I hope you can make another movie about Christ `life and resurrection. GOD bless

User review rating: 0 April 05, 2004

My heart and love goes out to Jesus Christ.

User review rating: 0 April 04, 2004

I thought that this movie was a very powerful and moving experience. As a Roman Catholic it made me stronger and thankful that Jesus died for our sins. It just goes to show you how much he loves us. By dying on the cross he saved us from sin. And I quote a verse from the bible, and a line from the film for all those who don`t believe or were not moved "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do" God bless Mr.Gibson for making many people see the light of Christ and the love of God. And God Bless you all. and as Jesus said, "Love One another as I have loved you"

User review rating: 0 April 04, 2004

it`s the best movie of the year. it`s very realistic.

User review rating: 0 April 04, 2004

An amazing and powerful depiction of the suffering of Christ. I have seen it twice. I may see it a third time on Good Friday. A must see movie - I hope as many people as possible make the time to see this movie. Can`t wait for it to be released on DVD. Mel Gibson has outdone himself on this project.

User review rating: 0 April 03, 2004

Everyone who believes in Easter should see this movie. Where Gibson chose to end the movie was perfect. I am telling all my friends to go see this movie, but to be prepared for the beating sceens.

User review rating: 0 April 03, 2004

The Passion of the Christ movie was born from Mel`s calling from God. He heard it and he made it happen and we all owe Mel a debt of gratitude. Ten years in the making, that is true persistence. May he and the actors (all truly gifted) be truly blessed and realize they gave us a gift - a gift to see how much Jesus loved and loves us! For us to experience what Jesus endured for us. For Jesus, a human being like us, except HE was pure and absolutely sinless,to give His life for us. Think about it, realize the privilege we have been given. I was rivetted to the screen, I felt his pain as only I could imagine. I could not. would not take my e

User review rating: 0 April 03, 2004

I took my 2 grandchildren who attend Church with us each Sunday and we all enjoyed it very much. I was spiritually moved to tears several times. I would go again to see this beautiful movie. I wish others who don`t attend Church would go and see this movie and maybe they would return to Church. I recommend this movie highly. Mel Gibson did a wonderful job and truely understands the Christian faith. Thank you very much Mel.

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2004

Amazing film. Intense seems too vague a word to use to describe it. Maybe "searing" is a better word. I was deeply moved.

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2004


User review rating: 0 April 02, 2004

i truly believe that the movie was powerfully mocing and without a doubt Mel Gibson did a great job in spreading and preaching the word of God and Jesus Christ lord and savior. This movie strongly demonstrated the love Jesus had for us, the message he had and the price he paid for it.

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2004

This was an excellent movie. Made me remember that he died for you and me. Not because he did anything wrong,but to save us.we did this to him. Never has there been a more inocent man.

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2004

i thaught it wasnt good at all.

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2004

The only thing I have to say about this movie is that everyone in the theatre and everyone writing these reviews has used the words "God Bless". Stupid people think it has meaning. For a real understanding of christ read a bible. This movie was an insult to thousands of years of learning and completley inaccurate. If you have found meaning in this movie, you belong in a cult not a church.

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2004

I contemplated getting up amd walking out of theater during the long and agonzing torture scences. It was tough to watch but I`m glad I saw the movie through. Eventhough I`m not as religous as some people, the movie showed me how much a beautiful person Jesus was. I almost felt like I knew him after the movie.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2004

I enjoyed the movie very much. It wasn`t gory as some would like you to believe. I would say that it`s disturbing if you have no idea as to how cruel us humans can be. Maybe that`s why they say the movie is gory? I`ve read up on the Roman`s torture methods, so was not surprised with what I saw. I must confess that I did need some facial tissue with me to wipe the tears. This is a movie that I will purchase when the DVD version come out.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2004

After seeing the movie two times, I have to say that this portrayal of the last hours of Christ has reinforced my deep belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. As to how I feel watching the film all i can say is. Thank-you my Lord Christ and I love you.

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2004

Ok here it is for all those stupid people, that say it was too gory, too brutal, that in no way was possible, LISTEN UP AND READ REAL GOOD, a cat of nine tails is one of teh most brutal devices of torture, it is strands of leather connected to a handle and on each of these many strands of leather or rope are connected shards of metal strewn up a measure of the length of the strand, the bible says teh sentance for scourging was 40 lashes with this device minus one, so it would be 39 cause 40 lashes would kill a man, TO AWAKEN OTHER FOOLS JESUS WAS NOT A MAN HE WS THE SON OF GOD , HE died on teh cross as a man , go read teh bible and stiop with

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2004

PRAISE THE LORD!!! :) God Bless Everyone!

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2004

Powerfull and moving!! Need to be a believer in Christ, his message and sacrifice in order to truly understand the movie and its message. Only change I would have liked to see was the resurection extended to include Christ`s image appearing before his disciples asking them to spread his message of love and sacrifie. Gibson is to be commended for the truthfulness portrayed in the movie!

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2004

Jesus was murdered before thousands of witnesses.

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2004

I was spiritually moved again at what Christ has done for me when He died for my sins, disease and pain. I thought my heart was going to break when Mary, Jesus mother, ran to Him when He was carry the cross up the hill. I am so thankful that Mel Gibson made this film.

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2004

This is a very deep and intense movie. It was very strange being in a packed movie audience and being surrounded by the absence of noise and consistent silence. The audience was literally breathing together. Nothing was stirring. The movie made me think about why we are here and what Jesus role was all about. I don`t see the need to point my finger at any one person or race for what happended to Jesus. We all can look in the mirror and admit that our happiness is a mere reflection of whether or not we are following the path that Jesus hoped we would follow to find love and forgiveness. This movie is very worth while seeing. It will mak

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2004

If you go in blind and not knowing this is about jesus, rating as a movie, this movie is just sorry... very bad made. No rising climax, no whatever, plain bottom out. But if you know what it`s about before you go in and watch, it might be better.

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2004

I think the movie was very powerful, thought provoking, educational and inspirational. It humanizes jesus christ and gives me a better appreciation of what he tries to accomplish throughout his life, to wash away the sin and corruption of mankind, and to bring love and peace to this world. The move touches me deeply and brought me to tears at time, which is uncommon for me in a theatre. Well directed, scripted, and music score. Bravo! MEL

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