The Girl in the White Coat

The Girl in the White Coat Movie Poster

Elise, an impoverished factory worker, spends most of her money on keeping her invalid father in a private nursing home. That leaves her very little for rent or anything else. Her spiteful co-workers make fun of her threadbare white coat, a gift from her father. Elise eventually raises the money needed to get the coat fixed when a tailor with a kind heart tells her he'll do the job for a small fee. However, when Elise comes to pick up the mended coat, out of spite, his wife demands a large sum.

Director: Darrell Wasyk
Studio: Domino Film
Producer(s): Michel Ouellette, Darrell Wasyk
Cast: Pascale Montpetit, Joey Klein, Monique Mercure, Louise Marleau, Paul Savoie, Julien Poulin, Roc Lafortune, Lisa Tresierra
Writer(s): Darrell Wasyk
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