Die Ballade van Robbie de Wee

Die Ballade van Robbie de Wee Movie Poster

Len van Jaarsveld used to be on the top of his game. As one of the country's leading music managers, he was a major mover and shaker who had it all. But then it all came crashing down, and he found himself on the street with nothing. As he's about to hit rock bottom, Len is introduced to a rising new star rocker Robbie de Wee.

This youngster has success written all over him. Len sees this kid as a ticket back into the music industry. He takes Robbie on as an artist. But, when a young girl is found dead in the singer's hotel room whilst he's on tour, Len has to pull out all the stops. Was it an accident? Is Robbie responsible? Could it ruin his career?

Len goes into overdrive in order to protect his star from the media and the authorities. But, when more bodies are discovered he finds himself having to negotiate his own morality in a fight against time.

Director: Darrell Roodt
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