Death of a Nation - User Reviews

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3.57 / 5

User rating: 3.57

Based on 1076 votes and 399 reviews

  • User rating: 3.57 62.89%
  • User rating: 3.57 1.44%
  • User rating: 3.57 0.41%
  • User rating: 3.57 0.62%
  • User rating: 3.57 34.64%

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User review rating: 1 August 06, 2018


User review rating: 1 August 06, 2018

D'souza is no intellectual giant. His "documentary" is a flimsy hack job at best, anyone with any sort of critical thinking skills can easily debunk the ideas put forth. Worse yet, this kind of devisive garbage that some people will fall for will either get someone hurt or killed. But if you are a teacher trying to find a great example of propaganda, this is your film.

User review rating: 5 August 06, 2018

Historically accurate. Just ask any college history professor. Amazing how deep state and others with their shared globalist agenda are desperate to destroy the character of Dinesh and this insightful film. A civic duty must watch.

User review rating: 5 August 06, 2018

Unbelievable! D’Souza has done it again. This movie shines light on the truth. If you don’t go see this movie you will forever be in the dark. A real eye opener.

User review rating: 5 August 06, 2018

As an Asian American, it is good to learn the history of this nation. A very eye opening documentary. I wonder if this history is ever taught at schools anymore?

User review rating: 5 August 06, 2018

Well written and documented. I recommend it to all.

User review rating: 5 August 06, 2018

It's so funny how easily uneducated poor white people are manipulated.

User review rating: 5 August 06, 2018

Outstanding documentary

User review rating: 1 August 06, 2018

Don't waste your $$$. The "Southern" Democrats were the party of the Slave Owners who withdrew joining the racist party we know today as the Republican party. You can get Trump propaganda for free on the government controlled news agency FOX. Remember the millionaires came up with the TaxEnoughAlready TEA party.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

As always, D'Sousa has done an outstanding job of relating history to the issues currently facing our nation. I wish every person in America would view this important film.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Historical context related to state of USA today

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

A real eye opener. WOW!! Good movie! Highly recommended. I will never vote democrat again!!

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Timely and straight forward documentary filled with facts from multiple angles. We have a country to save!

User review rating: 1 August 05, 2018

On an interesting note, this movie will probably become excellent documentation of a crazy time in conservative politics and propaganda. Glad to live in such a surreal historical moment I guess

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Very well done with an emphasis on the truth.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Great movie about those who seek to destroy America!!! The blind and clueless snowflakes will need their crayons and a safe place, whether they even watch it or not!! Wake up people with a brain. The dems are a cancer to America, and the whole world!!!

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

The facts in this movie are atomic truth bombs that will win the INFOWAR and led us to victory in our fight to save the nation.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

This movie was a hard hitting documentary that exposes the deep rooted, liberal, fascist socialist agenda of the democrat party. It roots going all the way back to the birth of this nation and how its changed identities many times in our nations history but, its goals have always been the same. This is a must see for anybody trying to flee the democrat plantation. Some of it you already knew but, most of it you have probably had no idea it went back as far as it does. Excellent movie. Easy enough for even teenagers to follow if they want to understand the tug of war going on in American politics today. Highly recommend if your wanting to be an informed citizen.

User review rating: 1 August 05, 2018

Evil concept: smearing Democrats of today with the opinions of (some) Democrats more than 150 years ago. Many prominent Democrats, such as Stephen Douglas, offered Lincoln their unqualified support in prosecuting the war against the traitors in the South whose opinions many Republicans of the present time share. Racists can be found in America in all times and in all parties. It's bad for America that these Trumpsters keep exaggerating our differences rather than celebrating our commonalities. The USA is a land of compromises and neither side is entirely right in any dispute. Remember that many who opposed Lincoln did so on the legitimate grounds that he trampled the rights of people and states to save the union.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

PLEASE - watch and learn! I wish all Democrats would seriously assess the very apparent similarities in where they have been and where they are once again. This film would help them, but I don't think their minds are open enough to look at some hard truths. Minorities, particularly blacks, should really pay attention to history. Republicans supported blacks during Lincoln, and without Republicans in the US Congress, Lyndon Johnson would not have been able to pass civil rights legislation because Democratic members of Congress were STRONGLY against it! Because he was a Democratic president, the Democratic party later usurped what had been Republican support for them and with the death of MLK, most fell for the Democratic lies and misrepresentation which has delayed the full benefits to blacks in this country. They became enslaved to government assistance and lost their middle class communities and businesses and their independence. You can see it here -- watch carefully.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

It is very educational. Should be shown to public school teachers.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Extremely well done and you don't want to miss it. If you're on the right, you'll love it. If you're on the left and you're not openminded, you'll find fault. That's how the truth works.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Liberals will hate this movie because it shines a light on their traditional corruption. Conservatives who have been force fed a steady diet of political correctness and other lies finally have a voice.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

It's refreshing to see a movie that actually states there facts even though they are not politically correct. Truth that needs to be heard.

User review rating: 2 August 05, 2018

I watched it and couldn’t believe it was for real. Fantasy.

User review rating: 1 August 05, 2018

Who could have written such a crazy movie!l? Trump is Abe Lincoln? Seriously? I think it’s more like Trump is going to be left in the garbage heap of history and this movie proves it.

User review rating: 1 August 05, 2018

This is a film that somehow claims nazis were on the left. Seriously? They were Nazis! Crazy felon produced this garbage. Don’t bother.

User review rating: 1 August 05, 2018

Fantasy of a disturbed mind.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Glad that someone is telling the truth about the roots of the Democratic Party and presenting the facts that prove that the democrats have always been and continue to be bad for America.

User review rating: 1 August 05, 2018

This movie is pure fantasy! Only the Trump minions see this as truth like the lies he tells. Only the pardoned criminal would make such a movie. But I guess like the people who believe in Aliens like Alien Mysteries so do the nut jobs who believe in the Fuhrer like this! Total Propoganda!

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Great facts. Great presentation. Everyone and anyone needs to see this and experience truth. Thank you D'nesh for your hard work and caring.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Another great documentary by Dinesh. He is a true Patriot and not afraid to show the truth.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Great movie! Hope all teachers will show this to their students. Wake up America!! Democrats hate America and will be the death of our Nation!! Take the red pill vote republican to help Trump 🇺🇸 God Bless USA

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Great movie. The democrats are the party of the “s” - salvery segregation and socialism

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Although only about 20 others watching Death of a Nation in the movie theater, all gave a rounding applause at the end of the movie. I live in the state of MA so my guess is this will not be a box office favorite in this area. Very interesting and well researched. Not really a movie about the President rather a history lesson about the US political parties and tactics on how to move a "lie" forward. Well done.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

A great synopsis on the political left here in America, its rise since the Civil War and its influence on the rise of fascism and nazism are intriguing. The evidence laid out by D'Souza in the way of letters written by leaders like FDR and Mussolini and writings by hitler praising Democratic socialism, are mind blowing. Dinesh destroys white supremacist Richard Spencer and the Dem's definition of the Alt right. He has Spencer admitting to how he disagrees with President Trump on racism and immigration. Dinesh also exposes George Soros for his continuing sick admiration of having helped the nazis as a teenager.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Exposing white supremacist Richard Spencer being a leftist is brilliant! This movie makes me respect Lincoln even more.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

This movie was eye opening. It truly is time to #walkaway from the Democratic Party...

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018


User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Great Movie, i can certainly see why democrats don't want the truth displayed in this film to get out.

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2018

Moving and factual: painful truths about who the real modern Nazis are today.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Well done and researched. Worth taking the kids to.

User review rating: 4 August 04, 2018

Very well researched and documented. Very heavy and overpowering. I believe this could be split into two films to be able to dissect all the issues that were all jammed into one movie. But overall they should show days in the schools and teach the kids who is right and who is left! Go see it several times to understand it better.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Very revealing and informative.....A must see for the truth

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

A must see! Dinesh knocked it out of the park!

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

The things you dont learn in school. Wake Up america! The progressive movement is marching.... the politically correct Civil War. Never thought I'd see it in my lifetime. My poor granddaughter. Educate yourself, go see the movie.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Having actually read the book, Death of a Nation, and having taken 15 college level history courses to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from a major university the material presented in the movie was impeccably researched, accurately presented and is extensively foot noted in D’Souza’s book. He can only be only be congratulated for his scholarship and fastidious attention to detail. My only concern after finishing the book was that the documentary would be TOO academic.It was not owning to a very professional and engrossing presentation The 1star viewers either did not see the movie and/or are abysmally ignorant with respect to American History To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln , it is far better to remain SILENT and be thought to be ignorant than to speak out, and remove all doubt!!! This film should be highly recommended to anyone wanting to learn about the the Progressive Movement in the United States. It can only be hoped that D’ Souza does another film soon detailing what our Democratically elected Constitutional Republic will look like after 20 or 30 years of “ governmen “ under secular elite rule. Dr, C

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Excellent movie

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

An excellent , informative, enlightening, and unbiased look into history, fascism, socialism, Antifa, and the American two party political system. Highly recommend everyone go see the movie.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Anyone that gave this movie a 1 star did not see the movie. Watch the movie and then read the book for the backup research.

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