Blindness - User Reviews

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2.63 / 5

User rating: 2.63

Based on 278 votes and 52 reviews

  • User rating: 2.63 23.60%
  • User rating: 2.63 11.24%
  • User rating: 2.63 13.48%
  • User rating: 2.63 7.87%
  • User rating: 2.63 43.82%

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User review rating: 1 October 06, 2023

A reprehensible film. I haven't read the book, but a film adaptation should work on its own and not be dependent on the film audience having read the source material. To call the audience 'lazy' for not having read the novel ( as a previous reviewer here did ) is intellectually lazy and appallingly ignorant. This is such a dour and emotionally abusive film. It's about as depressing as COMBAT SHOCK, but COMBAT SHOCK was a great movie that actually had a point to make. Avoid BLINDNESS at all costs.

User review rating: 1 December 28, 2022

A reprehensible film. Moore's character is so frustrating as she can put a stop to the villains ways but she just keeps doing nothing about it until a woman gets killed. I hated her cowardice.

User review rating: 5 October 04, 2010

not too bad ^^ Another life lesson to learn ^o^ but the 'rape' parts are very disturbing arrrrrgghh >__<

User review rating: 5 February 02, 2010

From what I read, I take it more than half of you haven't read the book. Read it. The movie might not have been up to everyones standard, but the book; simply amazing! I am 16 and VERY picky on which books I read, but this one is one of my favorites. Jose Saramago has won multiple awards and his concept shouldn't be trashed because you were too lazy to read the book first. I personally thought the movie had the perfect amount of rawness, intensity, and insight. Great concept, good actors, amazing setting.

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

Abysmal, depressive, utterly maddening. I abhor this movie. There is a responsibility that film makers take on when they make a movie, and that is to represent behaviors that MOST people can relate to. This was 2 hours of watching a completely useless person, be completely useless, in the face of the most depraved human behavior. In a movie about survival, regardless of the vehicle that drives one to the brink (in this case it was becoming blind), we were forced to watch a great example of what NOT to do, and how USELESS someone in that position could be. I think that movies like this are amateur-ish at best. Also why would people stricken blind suddenly, walk around naked, simply because

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2009

I think my IQ dropped 10 points after watching this movie. I couldn't finish the movie only because it was painfully unrealistic. People with a disease spread put in a ward with no nurses, doctors, tests or otherwise. Meanwhile, everyone outside is getting sick, yet they still have this ward protected by the military? It makes no sense. It's also painful how little the "doctor's wife" does to resolve the situation. She calls and complains there isn't enough food? Why wouldn't she call and complaint they don't have any help? People seem to be willing to come in contact with the sick people in transport to the ward but once they're their they don't want to touch them. I see reviewer

User review rating: 0 July 10, 2009

A very so so movie. Annoying at times and tedious at other times. Not something I'd recommend to friends but the acting was good.

User review rating: 0 June 09, 2009

I actually found the movie intriguing. I like Julianne Moore and she did well in her part.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2009


User review rating: 0 March 30, 2009

This was a frustrating movie - like other comments made by reviewers here, I too expected the female lead (who can see while others can't) to grab the gun or use the scissors hung by the tv to slit the throat of the ruthless badguy before resorting to having sex with him against her will. This movie was an unbarebly long movie to watch. There were more unrealistic pieces to it - the decripit conditions of the institution the blind are sent to. At some point the city is overrun by the illness however, only three small wards fill this, guarded by the miltary, institution. This movie had potential - it reminded me of The Lord of the Flies in the way it stripped away our comfort zone and chan

User review rating: 0 March 12, 2009

Agreed that this movie sheds some light into how frail mankind is. However, having said that, it was by far the worst movie I've ever seen. It was doomed from the start, the ending is just ridiculous, and predictable - essentially defeating the purpose of showing how frail we all are - don't waste your time..

User review rating: 0 March 12, 2009

It is NOT all bad--it really delves into the Frailty of the Human condition and how people behave in an abnormal situtation.It was depressing but enlightening. You have to find strength to watch it

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2009

One of the most stupidest movies I've ever tried to watch. You would think that with a story which starts out with many people going blind that the story would follow this to find a cause or cure scenario. Instead it goes into sex, rape and violence which does nothing to propel the story or character growth. I do not know why Moore, Glover and the others in the cast decided to do this project. The director should be ashamed of himself!

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2009

If Satan made a movie, this would be it. It's that bad. Don't watch it- you'll want those two hours back.

User review rating: 0 February 23, 2009

No need to be rude the the take out your anger on the producers, not the viewers!

User review rating: 0 February 22, 2009

I dont know where to start. Pretty much shes not blind and everyone else is...Why didnt she just take the gun and food? Seriously. Worst movie...EVER! I mean it. WORST MOVIE IVE EVER SEEN!! My point is this. SHES NOT BLIND. What was stopping her from disarming the BLIND GUY, whats he going to do? HIT HER!! HES EFFING BLIND YOU RETARDS!! You pretty much are dumb, retarded and stupid to like this movie...even a little bit.

User review rating: 0 February 21, 2009

Not bad, but not the best. Deserves three stars.

User review rating: 0 February 20, 2009

This Movie is terrible!!! Why did the woman do any thing when the blind guys take over the food. hated it so fake.

User review rating: 0 February 18, 2009

Simply dumb! This is the first movie that I've ever given a negative review about! I can't beleive that it stunk so bad! It was a good idea for a movie, but it was extremely slow & extremely exaggerated! The government would not treat these people like wild animals, and lock them in a run down institution! Just plain disapointing!

User review rating: 0 February 12, 2009

I found this movie very interesting, interesting enough for me to comment. It was really sad and depressing, yet I couldn't stop watching it. I will admit I did ball my eyes out at the one part where they traded women for food, thay part really got to me, but over all I think this was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. It really showed what people are like in a time of need and I think it was really realistic, and they did a great job!

User review rating: 0 January 23, 2009

Amazing movie! I've read the book and the movie does it justice (though the movie is way too soft in comparison)!! If you can't apreciate such a great writer as Saramago or such a great director as Meirelles, I'm sorry for you!

User review rating: 0 January 13, 2009

There is one advantage of being blind, you will not be able to actually "see" this movie which is the BEST thing that could happen to you.

User review rating: 0 October 18, 2008

i really liked this movie just because of the message it was trying to communicate and one should realize that the point of this movie is not to understand how the blindness came about but what came of it.

User review rating: 0 October 16, 2008

You negative reviewers should stick to watching harmless cartoons! Movies like this one is way bigger than you, and your small closed minds! Good movie!

User review rating: 0 October 14, 2008

This movie was based on a book that was written by a Portuguese Author, and I am pretty sure it won a noble prize.. this movie was very good but disturbing

User review rating: 0 October 13, 2008

it was amazing but disturbing

User review rating: 0 October 13, 2008

Its not the most exciting movie, but its definitely an interesting one. I wouldnt watch it again, but at the same time im glad i saw it.

User review rating: 0 October 13, 2008

good movie - real depiction of human actions when times get tough. true colours.

User review rating: 0 October 12, 2008

Before you comment on the movie and how certain things were unneccessary[sic?], try reading the book first. This movie/the book too, is all about society being blind to others and the traumas and conflicts that arise in everyday life. don't be so quick to judge.

User review rating: 0 October 12, 2008

Like snakes on a plain. Not interested in seeing it again.. And seeing the rape seens made me feel less of a man. Actually I feel Degrated and like girls wont like me if they seen that. Almost left the theatre after that.

User review rating: 0 October 11, 2008

I have never seen as many people walk out of a movie before. This film could have made a great statement, but instead wasted too much time on making the viewer feel uncomfortable. TWARNING- if you are a rape survivor, this movie may be a trigger. The scenes I am speaking of were completely unnecessary to the film. As much of a statement could have been made without actually exposing viewers to such horrific details. An absolute zero of a movie.

User review rating: 0 October 11, 2008

This was just like 28 Days Later without the zombies or excitement. I have a great deal of respect for several of the actors in this movie, but didn't care for it as a whole in the slightest. Several people left our theatre in the middle of the movie... I envy them for their foresight.

User review rating: 0 October 10, 2008

what a piece of garbage

User review rating: 0 October 10, 2008

This movie was pointlessly disturbing and a complete waste of time. I almost walked out of the theater during the movie I was so disgusted. I would never recommend this movie to anyone.

User review rating: 0 October 09, 2008

Not up to Hollywood filming standards but a strong performance by the leads saves the movie.Much better than The Happening,but,any film is....

User review rating: 0 October 08, 2008

A movie that really gets you creeped out. But then again it is just a movie. Anyways other than that in my opinion its just a one time see movie. A three star. Look for more of my reviews. E.B.A.

User review rating: 0 October 08, 2008

Why don't all you negative losers write a more creative script?? Go watch America's Best Dance Crew and that pathetic next model show and see much your mind gets stimulated. Grow up! LOL

User review rating: 0 October 08, 2008

Relax folks, it's just a movie. It's to entertain you, that's all. Relax!

User review rating: 0 October 08, 2008

I can never get those 2 hours of my life back.

User review rating: 0 October 07, 2008

worthwile to see - a little disturbing. i wouldn't buy it to watch it again and again though.

User review rating: 0 October 06, 2008

one of the worst movies of the year

User review rating: 0 October 05, 2008

A disappointing waste of time. Not even worth renting.

User review rating: 0 October 05, 2008


User review rating: 0 October 05, 2008

beyond horrible

User review rating: 0 October 05, 2008

If there was an option for a no stars... or a minus I would have picked this. The fact that I spent 12.50, actually hurts!

User review rating: 0 October 04, 2008

God help us all if this is entertaining

User review rating: 0 October 04, 2008

Fantastic movie!!

User review rating: 0 October 04, 2008

Definitely a rental.

User review rating: 0 October 04, 2008

Without Mark Ruffalo and Julianne Moore, this movie has nothing. Very disapointing!

User review rating: 0 October 04, 2008

I read the book first, and then saw the movie. To be honest, the book offered a much more detailed, thought-provoking glimpse of humanity. In terms of what this movie is actually about: it isn't about "blind people" per se. It's about humans and their primal drive for survival. It reminds me of Orwell's Animal Farm or Lord of the Flies. What happens to us when we lose the ability to adhere to social norms? A very interesting if disturbing portrayal of the nature of humanity.

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