Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe - User Reviews

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Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe Movie Poster

3.79 / 5

User rating: 3.79

Based on 116 votes and 22 reviews

  • User rating: 3.79 69.23%
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  • User rating: 3.79 0.00%
  • User rating: 3.79 2.56%
  • User rating: 3.79 28.21%

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User review rating: 1 August 27, 2016

The true danger is movies like this.

User review rating: 1 August 27, 2016

Dangerously misinforming.

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

This documentary was great! I was totally blown away at the evidence presented in this movie.....well done. It's not what you would expect. I left feeling overwhelmed...vindicates and angry at all the lies we have been told!

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

Excellent documentary. Seems factual and objective. Exposes fraud at CDC and demands safe testing for vaccines. What is so threatening about that? One can understand the motives of the pro-vaccine industry - basically profit and greed. What possible motives do the "anti-vaxxers" have but truth and health of children?

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

Extraordinary documentary. Easy to understand the choices we are facing (or lack of choices), not at all an anti-vax movie but provides needed information to make informed choices

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

A must see! This is the movie that Robert De Niro and Tribeca were about to screen this past April in New York, but then got pulled/censored, only to have Robert De Niro recant 2 weeks later saying 'EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS MOVIE! The movie is NOT about Andrew Wakefield or the Lancet Study, but its for the most part about the events that occurred involving Centers for Disease Control lead scientist Dr. William Thompson, who in 2014, came forward under the protection of the Whistleblowers act to reveal the fraud that was going on at the CDC with regards to the MMR/autism studies and how they fraudulently deviated from the 'analysis plan' and faked the data. The story is continuing to unfold today in real life at ground zero in Utah, involving Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Jason is now attempting to lead an investigation that will hopefully result in the subpoena of Dr. William Thompson (he wants to be subpoenaed!). In the movie, you'll be shocked by the contents, especially the internal emails that are revealed along with the secretly recorded phone conversations between Brian Hooker and Dr. William Thompson. You won't find this on Wikileaks my friends but only on the big screen

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

VaxXed was AMAZING. Clear. Data driven. The stats are incredible. Isolated Autism (not rare): 700? increase <- find out what this means. Meet others who are also curious and concerned. Go see the movie! I have been following the whistle blower story since it surfaced, it's evolution into HearThisWell, Dr. Stephanie Seneff's work, and the legal aggressions against Informed Consent. Watching, I still learned more. Research MUST have integrity. Makes me wonder how much corruption is hidden, esp. in studies where the authors refuse to release the raw data. Everyone should see this movie.

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

This film is a must see for anyone who cares about their health and most importantly the health of their children.

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

quite the eye-opener. As De Niro said - "everyone should see this movie"

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

As a health care professional who has been fed a steady diet of just how safe and effective vaccines are, this documentary is a real eye opener. In an engaging, clearly documented style, it outlines one of the biggest medical frauds on our recent history. The iconic CDC, Center for Disease Control, that I actually go to for infectious disease advice has deliberately destroyed research data. What else have they destroyed and/or manipulated? Good people go into medicine, nursing and other professions and are deliberately manipulated by the BIg Pharma sponsored educational and political system. Everyone needs to see this. It should be part of medical education.

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

The is like a segment of "60 minutes" that is 91 minutes long. Highly recommend. The producer, Del Bigtree, left the TV show "The Doctors" (health and wellness info show) in order to share this info provided by a Sr. scientist whisteblower within the Centre for Disease Control. "The Doctors" wouldn't air it due to pharmaceutical sponsors. As for Dr. Wakefield's involvement in the film...consider this. When info about fraud at the CDC was uncovered regarding autism/MMR vaccine, who SHOULD be the person to be notified? The person that suggested that there might be connection (and vilified for it) 20 years ago. IMO there would be many less autistic children if Dr. Wakefield had been allowed to continue with his work. This documentary is a game changer. It is NOT anti-vaccine. Even Senator Ben Allen (the co-author of SB277 in California which mandates vaccines) has stated this after viewing the film himself. (Youtube: Del Bigtree speaks to Sentaor Ben Allen) The movie has become a movement. Follow at

User review rating: 1 August 22, 2016

If you actually believe that EVERY doctor,and EVERY medical scientist in the world is out to get you,then take out your tin foil hat because this film as been cherrypicked for you. Yes,according to this proven charlatan, every children who dreamt of saving lives and grew up to become doctors and medical researchers have all betrayed their principals by using and promoting evil, autism inducing vacines. The feel good fake documentary of the year(if you need a boost of paranoia,that is)

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2016

Robert deNiro was right. Everyone needs to see this film.

User review rating: 5 August 16, 2016

A very important film to see if you value democracy.

User review rating: 5 July 29, 2016


User review rating: 5 July 29, 2016

An amazing documentary. .. Everyone should watch it and ask questions before you have anyone injected...

User review rating: 5 July 23, 2016

Wisdom comes from recognizing that this form of care is detrimental in so many ways that haven't even been explored...?!

User review rating: 1 June 21, 2016

Credit where credit is due: Andrew Wakefield has doubled down on his claims of a relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism since getting his license to practice medicine revoked due to conflict of interest and faking data to make this point. That's commitment! On the other hand, the "information" laid out in this documentary is filled with cherry-picking, out-of-context quotes, and outright lies. "Documentaries" like this are extremely dangerous because they have the potential to put actual lives at risk by fooling people into thinking this is factual and that concerns me.

User review rating: 5 June 21, 2016

Wow, the depth of fraud is unimaginable. How can this have gone unrecognized officially for so long? This film will open the debate on vaccines very widely in new and really credible ways.

User review rating: 1 May 31, 2016

Wow what a scam.

User review rating: 5 April 20, 2016

Dr. Andrew Wakefield's efforts to expose the extreme fraud within the CDC is no mean feat, the point of this film is about the cover up of statistics,and a crime unimaginable that permeates at all levels of government, corporations, media, and pharmaceutical companies worldwide. The casualty in all this is our future, our children who will grow up with Autism and this impact on society will be incredible. It is a must see for anyone interested in truth and the failure of modern day journalism in its failure to be a voice of reason to expose this fraud along with Dr Wakefield.

User review rating: 1 April 18, 2016

If MMR really does cause autism, why hadn’t the link been found in 15 other studies, many of which included African-Americans and almost all of which didn’t involve the CDC? Are there other whistleblowers who just haven’t come forward yet? The real explanation for Vaxxed's “revelation” isn’t conspiracy or hidden data; it’s something else. When compared with their Caucasian counterparts, African-American boys in Atlanta in 1994 were under-vaccinated. In order to qualify for autism-support programs, this subset of under-vaccinated children with autism had to get vaccinated. In other words, it wasn’t that MMR had caused autism; it was that the diagnosis of autism had caused them to get MMR. Not surprisingly, this is never explained in the film.

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