The Da Vinci Code - User Reviews

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3.51 / 5

User rating: 3.51

Based on 63556 votes and 2163 reviews

  • User rating: 3.51 27.41%
  • User rating: 3.51 34.73%
  • User rating: 3.51 16.64%
  • User rating: 3.51 4.21%
  • User rating: 3.51 17.01%

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User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Sony calls it a thriller. I was thrilled to get out of the theatre when it was finally done. Its was too long and boring.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

This is Tom Hanks worst film. I never liked his acting anyways.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

A good movie for heretics! Not so good for historians.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006


User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

llluuuuuuved the movie, it was almost as good as the book, and that;s hard to acheive, Luv the movie, people go see it!

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

It`s just a movie, a great movie. I guess it`s not for everyone but I really enjoyed it.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Looks like dan brown really had some kind of axe to grind with the Catholic church. I`m really surprised at Ron howard for directing such a terrible movie.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Really boring.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

It was really boring. Dan Brown should get his facts straight.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Great movie, 5/5. It was everything that one looks for in a movie; strong plot, good acting and wonderful editing. As a film student I must say that it was a really well done movie. All the controversy surrounding this movie has already given this movie a bad name which it really doesn’t deserve. To all the people who didn’t like all I have to say is turn off the news and go see it. And also to all with strong religious beliefs; if you’re that strong of a believer a little movie like this shouldn’t matter. If you’re a strong believer of what ever religion this movie isn’t going to make you stop believing in what you believe in. So before you

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

It`s just a novel, fiction made to get money. It could impress people who have no knowledge of the Chistian HIstory, through the Bible and many other Theologican books, and also who doesn`t know Jesus in his/her life. For somebody who knows, it`s easy to find error in dates, names, etc. for instance Opus Dei is a group that preaches that we can reach sanctity offering to the Lord our daily work, the comunists used to say that it favors Capitalism, but not tre either, it`s just good spirituality. JESUS IS THE LORD CALL HIM WITH SINCERE HEART AND HE WILL COME TO YOU TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING THAT NO BODY ELSE CAN GIVE IT TO YOU

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

I thought the movie was kinda confusing.....but its still good. 3.5 stars

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

sarah says i dont get it . 1 out of 5 .

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

The movie was awesome brilliant exciting and entertaining! To those who didnt like just didnt get it because your minds are too narrow to appreciate and understand a film like this. People say it puts christains in a bad their history. The movie and book is more than fiction. See it.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

There is no way I will even see this film, I refuse to contribute to Dan Browns bank account, when he ripped off Holy Blood HOly Grail. So not only is he full of inaccuracies (he doesnt even know that Da vinci is the town where he is from not his last name, duh), its plagiarism. This movie I would put in the same category as Brokeback mountain. Completely useless film that has no value to me. Save your money

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006


User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

It was just like the book. People that say it wasn`t - did you actually read it? The acting and atmosphere/camera work were fantastic! I would recommend anyone see it. The actors were cast very well for this movie. Another reason besides the great movie to see it is because of religious fanatics that don`t want you too. They want control over you. Go see it and make the box office grow. You will enjoy the movie!

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

it was a good movie with tom hanks, amazing without. you have to totally disregard tom hank`s terrible performance as Robert Langdon to fully appreciate this really great movie. they should have casted someone else. Robert is supposed to be handsome, like a young Jeremy Irons without the accent.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Great adaptation of the book with superb performances by Ian McKellen and Paul Bettany.It kept me on the edge of my seat in many parts.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

This movie was two very long hours of utter nonsense. The acting was poor and the plot was silly. Besides being insulting to Christians, it was unbelievable, graphically violent, and a complete waste of time. As a Christian, I felt very uncomfortable just watching it.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Terrible!!! Worst adaptation of a book ever...changed plot, extremely poor writing skills, weak editing, and had no flow, suspense AND barely skimmed the surface about the grail and most importantly Da Vinci codes! Never see this movie if you enjoyed the book, it can`t be anything else but disappointing and a waist of time.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

I really enjoy this movie. They stay true to the details and the plot of the book. I recommend the movie to everyone who read the book. I`m not sure I will had appreciate the movie if I haven`t read the book.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Ok. I saw it just because i friend was seeing it and i actually liked it..but the new book by Dan Brown is amazing! It`s called "Angels & Demons" it`s a much better read than the Da Vinci code! Pick it it it`s much better than the book and movie combined =)

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

MAN...did Tom Hanks not look like a GIANT in comparison to Audry Tautou? shes one tiny lady...but shes sexy. So Rock on Tommy! the movie was pretty good, not as good as the book but still worth the moola.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Movie was pretty good, I enjoyed it, obviously it wasnt as good as the book but movies are never as good as their literary predecessors. Watch the movie as if you`ve never read the book, you`ll enjoy it more. If you happen to see the movie first, remember the visuals as they will help you understand what Dan Brown is talking about if you decide to read the book. I am glad I paid full price for the movie (and the book!) well worth it, good story.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

There is nowhere in the book that states the events in this book are says that Opus Dei is real and that it is a deeply devout Catholic sect (these things are not under dispute, Google them, its true) and that the "descriptions of artwork, architecture,documents and secret rituals in this novel are accurate" if you have the book, look it up, this was not meant to be a true story nor did Dan Brown intend this story to be true...of course its fiction, dont read it if you are looking for a new religion, read it for the movie for the same reason...its ENTERTAINING (if you like this kinda treasure hunty kinda thing).

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Not bad. Not fantastic but definitely not bad. Stayed pretty true to the book.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

very good, long though, kinda reminded me of national treasure

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

I was disappointed in this movie the media made such hype about The Da Vinci Code and it wasn`t what I anticipated it to be...

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Great Movie...the movie missed some parts from the book but overall was a great movie...Tom Hanks played RObert Langdon perfectly

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

Oh my god... what were they thinking??? I`ve never been so disappointed by a movie. It was so boring, which is weird considering I read the book in one day because I refused to put it down. This movie was so choppy, and if you`ve never read the book, you will be lost! Next time let Peter Jackson direct it, because he knows how to re-tell a novel through movies.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

What is the fuss all about? No, I`m not leaving the R.C. Church because of the movie. Excellent scenery and photography. No I have not read the book but now I might. The R.C. Church and other Christians gave great publicity for this movie they said " Don`t go" ..guess what I don`t like to be told what to do and I like to make my own decisions.

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

It is an entertaining movie, very intriguing and interesting, a bit confusing, but still done in a way to create interest, mystique and anticipation, so not understanding every detail does not take away from the entertainment value. I would say it`s a classic..but at the same time i believe it`s sacreligous or blasphemous or anti-christ. Some lines are not to be crossed and I can see the religious community being offended by the suggestions made by this movie even though it`s clearly a work of fiction. When it comes to divinity, man should not be so presumptous. We are not on the same level as GOD, so people should not cross lines with such i

User review rating: 0 May 20, 2006

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, can we stop with the stupid WOW remarks! You`re making yourselves look like fools. Anyways, the movie was ok, nothing to write home about. Invest wisely and buy and read the book. It`s much much better.

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

an amzing book and an amazing movie created for it! respect to all the cast and crew especially ron howard for keeping the script so close to the book without making the movie too long! 5 stars no doubt

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

like the movie excelent preformens Tom Hanks but read the book first

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

The book was very Hollywood to begin with, plus Brown had a big hand in the script... and it was very close to the book, I liked it a lot.

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

This movie was good and very honest to the story. However, if you`ve just finished reading the book, I would suggest waiting a bit before seeing the movie so that you can enjoy movie and not get caught up in the little details.

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

i have never been so dissapointed in my life. my favorite part of the book is the ending. the ending of the movie isnt even close!!! it was so prolonged and a waste of time. if u havent read the book then the movies good but if u have its fully a waste of time!

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

What a let-down. The book (which was FABULOUS) just did not translate well to a movie. Skip the movie and just read the book.

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

Brilliant, book is still the better choice, but still brilliant!

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

Meh.. not nearly as good as the book.. way too long.. 3 stars..

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

Enjoyed the movie. If you enjoyed the book you will also enjoy the movie. Ron Howard`s movies are the best. I would see the movie again. It was long but if it was shorter it would have really ruined the movie.

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

AWSOME!!!! for all the critics who said it was bad, they dont really know how to enjoy a good film. it was enlightening and a movie should be. definately worth seeing

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006


User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

A good movie. Good action and make you think, but to believe this to be true takes more faith than believing in the bible. I enjoyed this fictional movie.

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

The preview was better - I shouldn`t have wasted money on this one. Too bad - Hanks was one of my favorites..

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

Great movie, very true to the book. Those of you who enjoyed the book will enjoy the movie. In other words if you didn`t like the book don`t see the movie. There are a few interesting twists and turns, with some entertaining dialogue. Well worth the money!

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

Whoa, totally farfetched! Opus Dei is a secret organization? Oh sure, when pigs fly! As if the ridiculous nonsense wasn`t enough, the acting and plotline are terrible! Hollywood just wants to put Catholics in a bad light -- this film was made to persuade people that Catholics are bad! Don`t fall for it!

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2006

I thought it was great and I liked the book, but to anyone who thinks it`s fact... sorry to burst your bubble but it is indeed fiction. I do recommend the movie (and the book), and I would watch it again. Great plot.

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