Nowhere, Promised Land (Nulle part, terre promise)

Nowhere, Promised Land (Nulle part, terre promise) Movie Poster

Three stories of people stuck in the midst of major life transitions are brought together in this independent drama from writer and director Emmanuel Finkiel. A young film student who is traveling through Europe as she makes a documentary on the homeless finds herself stranded as she's unable to find a trusted friend who is supposed to meet her. A French business executive is overseeing the relocation of a factory to Hungary to take advantage of cheaper labor, but he wonders about the ethics of the move.

And a family of Kurdish refugees is trying to make their way to England and a new life, but when their truck breaks down in Budapest, their dreams are put on hold. As the travelers all find themselves at different sorts of crossroads, the stories, primarily told without dialogue, begin to share a common thread.

Nulle Part Terre Promise (aka Nowhere Promise Land) was an official selection at the 2009 Rotterdam International Film Festival.

Director: Emmanuel Finkiel
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