La Petite Cherie

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For her first feature film, French director Anne Villaceque focuses on a terminally shy bank clerk named Sybille (Corinne Debonniere) and the uncertain bond she forms with an enigmatic young man. Pushing 30, Sybille still lives at home, reading romance novels and engaging in stilted dinner conversation with her TV-obsessed parents.

When the tall, dark Victor comes into her life, however, Sybille is transformed: the two instantly start up a carnal relationship, and the former wallflower begins to assert herself with her parents and co-workers. Victor, meanwhile, charms Sybille's parents so much, they allow him to move into the house, eat their food, and buy furniture and clothes on their tab.

As the family continues to cave in to the young man's demands, the audience learns that the briefcase-carrying Victor may not be the upwardly mobile professional he seems to be: He spends his days wandering around shopping malls and parks, slowly hatching devious schemes. Petite Cherie was shown at the 2000 Cannes, Toronto, and Karlovy Vary film festivals.

Director: Anne Villacèque
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